From our Pastor's Desk

If God be for us, who can be against us?” In our main text (for the past 7 months) of Luke 5:1-11, Peter accepted to partner with Jesus, when he became a “fishless fisherman”, got to his wits end in career/profession, he saw the stark reality of abject failure. But the Lord supplied what he lacked and he took a catch he had never taken all his fishing years.
When you’re God’s partner and you let the Lord into your boat and accept His divine partnership, your limitations become your starting point. When you set your eyes on the enemy you will end as a dwarf but when you see God, you end as a giant.
In 1st Sam.17:26-50; David was a partner with God.
He focused on God; and Goliath became a dwarf….but the other Israel army, David’s brothers and even king Saul focused on Goliath, and he was to them a giant. In Numbers 14:9; Caleb & Joshua focused on God and saw the Anakim giants as bread for their consumption. But the other spies focused on the giants and saw themselves as grasshoppers.
When you’re God’s partner and you set your eyes on Him, you become the apple of God's eyes; the secret of success that is in Christ is given to you, God makes available for you grace more than those who are qualified and you become unstoppable. God upholds His partners with His victorious right hand, and He will do same for you, in Jesus Name. Amen.
You will have good success this 2018.
Remain blessed.
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