Friday, July 27, 2018

But. Nothing.

By Sis Rebecca Williams

Our God is such a good, good Father. The Bible is littered with very many several examples of our King coming through with abundance, whenever there was a lack.

In 1Kings 18:41, Elijah declared “there is the sound of abundance of rain”, after three long years of drought. 

This declaration wasn’t an empty proclamation. It was backed the power of the Almighty.

Just like our theme of Supernatural Surplus for this month.
However, Elijah’s servant didn’t see anything. Neither did anyone else in the city. 

Are you seeing anything? Could you still be looking at the drought, when the surplus is here? The fact that it is not yet seen physically is not an indication that it doesn’t exist.

Elijah, at the time kept his head between his knees in focus, prayer and faith. His servant went 7 times before he could notice anything remotely similar to a cloud in the sky.

In Luke 5:5, Simon declared they had toiled all night but caught nothing. However, at the word of the Master, he did let down his net again and great was their catch. So much so that their nets started to break.

At the insistence of Elijah, the servant kept going to look at the sky, until there was a desirable result.

If throughout our month of Supernatural Surplus, all you’ve experienced is anything but surplus, then, please do not despair. 

There is a sound of abundance of rain, on its way for you. Please take courage from Haggai 2:9; there is a greater glory in your tomorrow. 

There is hope in your future, says the Lord. You’ve toiled all night, waited all day, checked and re-checked but you got nothing?

Let down your net again, go again, try again, pray again, trust again, strike again and your abundance will surely come. In Jesus mighty name.

You will have good success this 2018.  
Remain blessed. 

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