Thursday, October 20, 2016

Believe His Prophets & You'll Prosper

By Pastor Joyce Waterman
Jersey city Council Woman at Large

2nd Chronicles 20:20 the word of God says “…if you believe in God you will be established, if you believe His prophet you will prosper”.  And in Hosea 12:13 the bible says that “it is by prophet that God delivered Israel out of Egypt and it is by another prophet that Israel was preserved” When you handle anointing properly you will prosper, you will be preserved.

Numbers16:1-35 shows us an interesting account. Some people gathered themselves together  against Moses. The leader of the rebellious  group was called Korah and his immediate col- league was Dathan and Abi-ram. They said to  Moses, “are you the only elder in this  town?” You hear from God we also hear from  God. Is this ministry your family business?

You Moses, you are the prophet, your elder  brother Aaron you made him  priest, your sister Miriam, you  ask her to lead the choir; you  want to turn the church to family business. But humble and  gentle Moses said I am not the one doing it, God sent me to do it.

Ha!, God has sent us too, they said. Then Moses said in that case let God decide.  And God said gather people together and those who are on your side let them stay on your side and those people who are on the side of the other, let them stay at their side.

Suddenly the ground opened and swallowed the rebels.  If you respect divine anointing you will prosper, if you mishandle divine anointing, the price can be very high. “…if you believe in God you will be established, if you believe His prophet you will prosper”.

You will have good success this 2016.
Remain blessed.

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