Friday, April 22, 2016

Wineskins - Are you old or new?

By Min. Florence Oyedeji

One of the many things we have learned this month is that the New Wine also symbolizes the Blessings of God. The New Wine cannot exist in a vacuum.

It needs Wineskins that will act as a conduit for it to reside in and be shared. We have been called by Christ to become Wineskins. Not just any old ragged and patched Wineskins, but New wineskins that can contain the power and force of the Blessings that the Lord is willing to pour out in these latter days.

We are called to be the channels and vessels that are ready for the Master’s use.  The question before you and I today is a simple one. Wineskins…Are you Old  or New. How can the Holy Spirit restore a New Wineskin heart in the midst of old wineskin attitudes of resentments, unforgiveness, anger, selfishness, just to name a few? Rom 6:6—”Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin”

The dryness and inflexibility of our spiritual hearts only reflect our need for the Holy Spirit to recondition our wineskin attitudes. If we allow Him, the Holy Spirit will gradually rub into our hardened hearts His anointing oil, and He will teach us how to abide in Jesus Christ. You will have good success this 2016.
Remain blessed.

RCCG Dominion Mercy Seat
695 Ocean Avenue
Jersey City
NJ 07305

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