Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 2023 - Month of John Mark

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of John Mark, in Jesus name.  

John Mark, the writer of the famous Book/Gospel of Mark, was a drop-out, he ran away from a mission journey with Paul. 

Believe it or not, he fell when he was a young youth. He was Barnabas’ cousin, so, he caused a split between Paul and Barnabas when there was another opportunity for a missionary journey – Acts 15:36-40. 

Paul didn’t want Mark because of previous experiences, but Barnabas, always the encourager of others, persuaded Paul to allow the young man to come with them in order to toughen his faith and to give him experience in planting churches.  

Over ten years after Paul and Barnabas had a fight over Mark, Paul writes to his own disciple Timothy: “Only Luke is here with me. Get Mark, and bring him with you because he is profitable to me in my ministry.” – 2nd Timothy 4:11 

Mercy Seatizens, welcome to August, “Our Month of John Mark”. As we celebrate our  SouledOut Teenagers, the lesson from young Mark is that we should not give up on the youth as they navigate the terrain of life. 

Paul first counted him unreliable, as we would any young teenager, but later said "young Mark is useful to the Kingdom of God", profitable for Paul in ministry 

The Lord will make all our Teenagers to be profitable for God’s Kingdom, in Jesus Name. 


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