Friday, June 23, 2023

Winning with Honor and Respect

By Deaconess Rebecca Orimoloye

Our God is a God of honor and respect. The book of Exodus 20 is filled with the things we need to do to honor God, ourselves, neighbors, parents, etc.

Likewise, we, the work of His hands also thrives in honor and respect. No one in their right minds will say they do not like being honored or respected.

 It is easy for us to remember or even keep a grudge against those who dishonor or disrespect us. Why? We are wired as a people of honor.

But do we know that we can win battles by fighting with honor and respect? We can in fact avert major disasters and generational issues by choosing honor and respect.

In the book of 1 Sam 25, we were taken into the household of Abigail and Nabal. Nabal’s lineage was literally about to obliterated, had it not been for the quick thinking and honorific actions of Abigail in pacifying David and his men.

Similarly, in the book of Esther, Esther used honor and respect to destroy the plans of Hamman. When we pay attention to Esther 3, from verse 7, we begin to see the extent of Hamman’s planned atrocities in order to appreciate what Esther actually did.

Hamman spent a good 12 months (1 year) preparing for the destruction of not only Mordecai, but the entire Jewish lineage. He was casting spells to see the best day he would be most favored in order to go into the presence of the king and ask him to destroy the Jews. It took him a year to cast the spells.

We should note that Esther’s honor and respect for the king didn’t start when the Jews were in trouble. Else, an “out of the blues” action would have been too late. She must have had a track record. Honor and respect can provoke favor, as we see in Esther’s story.

We see that honor and respect goes beyond what is on the surface. Honor and respect can actually be used to provoke help, open doors, blessing, favor, win wars, fight battles and save generations, etc. The list and possibilities are endless.

It is my prayer that we begin to use honor and respect in order to win in Jesus name.

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