Friday, September 30, 2022

Jehovah Mephalti

From Our Pastor's Desk

Jehovah Mephalti is the Lord my Deliverer.   Psalms 18:2 (2nd Samuel 22:2) “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer (Mephalti); My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold”   

Mephalti is one who delivers; releases or rescues; a preserver.   David was constantly being pursued by his enemies. BUT the LORD delivered him each and every time. 

He delivered David from Goliath, Saul, Enemy Kings, Armies and Rebellions.  David expresses his gratitude to Jehovah Mephalti in another Psalms 34:17-19  

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all”.  

Thank you, Father, for being our fortress, our deliverer, our God, our strength, our buckler, the horn of our salvation and our high tower. Thank you, our Jehovah Mephalti, our Deliverer, for successfully, seeing us through the first part of this year and for the grace to witness the remainder of the year. 

Deliverer, please be our refuge and strength at all times and deliver us whenever we are in danger, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.   


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