Friday, September 16, 2022

Christ in You, The Hope of Glory

By Pastor ‘Tayo Adewale

And this is the secret: Jesus Christ lives in us, CHRIST is in us, His presence is in our lives. Our body is His temple. We are the habitation of Christ. The Hope of glory - hope means confidence. 

The presence of Christ in an individual’s life constitutes their hope of glory and for glory. 

Christ in us the hope of glory (not hoping for glory), is so powerful and it comes with a lot of benefits. 

Christ abides in us and we need to always acknowledge His presence in us at all times. 

The hope of our glory is our - Salvation (Psalm 119:166), divine healing, deliverance, strength, prosperity and preservation. Christ in us silences satan. 

Job  1:20-22 It's the process of growth of becoming more like Jesus every day. Christ in us transforms us daily as we put our trust in Him. Christ in us causes our bodies to be healed, because He is the light of the world. Christ in us won't allow sin to have dominion over us. 

Romans  6:14 To live without Christ is to die with no hope.  Invite Jesus Christ into your life now. Don't live without hope or with no hope, but chose the hope of glory. 

The Lord Jesus is the hope of glory. Live a sin-free life. Victory over temptation!  Lord, we pray this day, deliver us from every temptation of sinful vices that’d make us lose the habitation of Christ in us, the Hope of glory, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.   


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