Friday, September 30, 2022

October 2022 - Month of His Deliverance on Earth

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of His Deliverance on Earth in Jesus name.  

Matthew 6:13 - And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil... In Luke 8:26-28, we read about the madman of Gadarene in his state of "long time complete insanity" and he recognized Jesus because his eyes of understanding were opened. 

The good news here is that as the man, even a mad man, met with Jesus his situation turned around.  

Ours, no matter how long we have been living with it, gravity of the problem notwithstanding, we will receive our total deliverance in Jesus Name.  

Whenever we talk about deliverance we need to know that there is warfare involved. It means there is some-body who has been captured. 

There is somebody who captured him and there is somebody who is coming to deliver the one who has been captured. So there’s bound to be warfare. The captor is satan (John 10:10); the captive is the one that is possessed or troubled. 

And the deliverer is JESUS (Philippians 2:9-11). Halleluyah! Mercy Seatizens, welcome to October 2022, “Our Month of His Deliverance on Earth” 

This month, every situation must bow to Jesus whether the devil likes it or not. Jesus Christ is alive & here today to set the captives free  in Jesus Name. 


Jehovah Mephalti

From Our Pastor's Desk

Jehovah Mephalti is the Lord my Deliverer.   Psalms 18:2 (2nd Samuel 22:2) “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer (Mephalti); My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold”   

Mephalti is one who delivers; releases or rescues; a preserver.   David was constantly being pursued by his enemies. BUT the LORD delivered him each and every time. 

He delivered David from Goliath, Saul, Enemy Kings, Armies and Rebellions.  David expresses his gratitude to Jehovah Mephalti in another Psalms 34:17-19  

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all”.  

Thank you, Father, for being our fortress, our deliverer, our God, our strength, our buckler, the horn of our salvation and our high tower. Thank you, our Jehovah Mephalti, our Deliverer, for successfully, seeing us through the first part of this year and for the grace to witness the remainder of the year. 

Deliverer, please be our refuge and strength at all times and deliver us whenever we are in danger, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.   


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blessings in Temptation

 By Bro. Kolapo Jegede

Temptation is an important subject in the Christian faith, the word temptation means an intentional enticement of a person by setting a bait or the act of tempting or state of being tempted. 

The plan of the devil for every child of God is that we do not finish strong; so, he set several baits and hindrances for us to fall and stumble along the way. 

The ultimate plan of God is for us to go through the fire of life and scale all hurdles and traps the enemy has set for us and come out stronger bigger and better Isaiah 43:2; Dan 3:16 – 28. 

What does it mean to be blessed during temptation? The word blessings mean God’s protection and favor in one’s life. Looking at the life of Joseph, he was the beloved of his father. 

He had a promising future and found himself in the pit to be faced with several temptations in his master’s house, he was charged with an offence he didn’t commit and went to prison Gen 39:6-23. 

Throughout the whole situation, God was with him even in the prison preparing him. God’s blessings, protection and favor were upon him until his time of manifestation was set. What the enemy meant for evil God will turn it for Good for you because of His blessings upon your life. 

In summary, in our Christian journey; God has not promised us smooth sailing but a safe landing Jeremiah 29:11. We are going to be faced with different temptations in our  destiny James 1:2-3 we must stay focused and run with patience to obtain the prize. 

Lord, we pray this day, deliver us from every temptation of sinful vices that’d make us lose the habitation of Christ in us, the Hope of glory, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022. 

Remain blessed.  


Friday, September 16, 2022

Christ in You, The Hope of Glory

By Pastor ‘Tayo Adewale

And this is the secret: Jesus Christ lives in us, CHRIST is in us, His presence is in our lives. Our body is His temple. We are the habitation of Christ. The Hope of glory - hope means confidence. 

The presence of Christ in an individual’s life constitutes their hope of glory and for glory. 

Christ in us the hope of glory (not hoping for glory), is so powerful and it comes with a lot of benefits. 

Christ abides in us and we need to always acknowledge His presence in us at all times. 

The hope of our glory is our - Salvation (Psalm 119:166), divine healing, deliverance, strength, prosperity and preservation. Christ in us silences satan. 

Job  1:20-22 It's the process of growth of becoming more like Jesus every day. Christ in us transforms us daily as we put our trust in Him. Christ in us causes our bodies to be healed, because He is the light of the world. Christ in us won't allow sin to have dominion over us. 

Romans  6:14 To live without Christ is to die with no hope.  Invite Jesus Christ into your life now. Don't live without hope or with no hope, but chose the hope of glory. 

The Lord Jesus is the hope of glory. Live a sin-free life. Victory over temptation!  Lord, we pray this day, deliver us from every temptation of sinful vices that’d make us lose the habitation of Christ in us, the Hope of glory, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.   


Friday, September 9, 2022

The Subtle Temptations After Success

From Our Pastor's Desk

Deuteronomy 6:10-12 - “When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you… then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”

The above was Moses’ admonition to the Israelites. It was a very stern warning to them. 

“As you have left the land of bondage and servitude, the Lord your God is going to so much bless you with every good thing, great and mighty cities you will conquer, you will eat and drink to satisfaction. 

A great change is going to happen in your lives. You are going to enjoy the blessing of God in ways that your parents never knew, but…” 

Be careful! Watch out! There is a particular danger that you are going to encounter as God’s blessings flow into your life.

Success carries with it the temptation of pride, greed, lust, and forgetting the Lord. Moses said “…be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”

 Disobedience accomplished after a great success can cause God to be sorry a person was even blessed. Saul’s victory and subsequent spiritual fall should serve as a warning to us that success and wealth and blessings can easily come between us and our God.

Lord, we pray this day, that even in the midst of success and victory, deliver us from every temptation of pride and vices that’d make us forget our God, our source, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

You will have good success this 2022.

Remain blessed. Shalom.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Victory Over Temptation

From Our Pastor's Desk

Temptation is something that tests a person's righteousness and strength of character. It is a solicitation or enticement to do that which is evil, that which is in obedience to God’s instructions.  

Temptation is the desire to do something, especially when it is wrong or unwise. Temptation can be described as a strong desire to have or do something even though you know you should not.

 It is a nudging to do evil or anything contrary to God’s will or standard. It is a strong persuasion to do something wrong. Devil is known as the “tempter”, the source of all temptations, according to Matthew 4:3; 1st Thessalonians 3:5.  

Our God is not a tempter, God does not tempt. God tries and tests. Trial is different from temptation. James 1:3. Trial is meant to build us up while temptation pulls us down. 

For every child of God; temptation is a familiar experience. No one can escape it. 

Adam was tempted, our Lord Jesus Christ was also tempted. To be tempted is not a sin, but yielding to temptation is what is sinful.  

When we overcome temptation, our Christian faith and resolve are strengthened, and our testimonies stand sure. 

We grow stronger to resist other temptations and our obedience to God is confirmed.  Grace to continue to be victorious over every “carrot” of temptation dangled before us, we receive in abundance, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  Remain blessed.   Shalom.

September 2022 - Month of Victory over Temptations on Earth

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Victory over Temptations on Earth in Jesus name.  

Before we were born-again, evil desires were the only temptations we understood. Disobedience, fleshly lusts, arrogance and self-gratification was all we knew. 

But by regeneration, after receiving Christ into our lives, we are lifted into another realm where we face the kind of temptations our Lord faced Matthew 4:1-11 - temptations from satan not to do wrong things, but he also tempts us in order to make us lose. 

At this point satan does not come along the line of tempting us to sin, but on the line of shifting our focus, and only the Spirit of God can reveal this as a temptation of the devil. Satan is the prince of this world, is called "the tempter" in Matthew 4:3. 

God does not tempt. That’s why Jesus taught us to pray thus - Matthew 6:13 – “And lead us not into temptation… ” that we may not yield to temptation. Temptation is something that tests a person's righteous-ness and strength of character. 

It is a solicitation or enticement to do that which is evil, that which is in obedience to God’s instructions.  Mercy Seatizens, welcome to September 2022, “Our Month of Victory over Temptations on Earth”. 

Satan can tempt all he likes, all day and year, but we, we will not fall. We will stand our ground, on the ROCK that is Jesus the Christ. 

That grace we receive, in Jesus Name. 
