Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 2018 - Our Month of Divine Location

From Our Pastor's Desk

March 2018 Our Month of Divine Location Welcome to this Our New Month of Divine Location, in Jesus name. Psalms 37:23 – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way”

All authority and power on earth & in heaven belongs to God. He is the unmoveable mover & the unchangeable changer. When He positions a man for greatness, blessing, breakthrough, miracle or success, it must surely come to pass. Circumstances of life, challenges, background, set-backs, failures or unfavourable experiences can’t stop God from divinely locating & choosing a person for favour & breakthrough. Jesus located & chose Peter’s ship amongst many others.

Peter, a failure in fishing business; the day when Jesus located him, his business & purpose for living took a new turn. God in His mercies will locate us this month & perform notable miracles in our lives. There is a divine alignment that awaits one in a divine location.

Nothing will happen until that location is right. When the Lord locates one, the best comes out & the worst part dies. In other words, sicknesses die, bitterness turns sweet, death is defeated, poverty ceases, failure turns to success, & joy overflows. In this our Month of Divine Location, there shall be no dislocation for us in life. The Lord will choose us. We will be noticed and noted by our generation. We will not be out of place, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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