Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2018 - Our Month To Get Started

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this Our New Month To Get Started, in Jesus name. 2nd Kings 6:1-2 (CEV) – “One day the prophets said to Elisha, The place where we meet with you is too small. Why don’t we build a new meeting place near the Jordan River?
Each of us could get some wood, then we could build it. That’s a good idea,” Elisha replied, Get started” Get started, means to begin, commence, get rolling, get moving, to be active.

Stir yourself up into doing some-thing about that dream of yours. You have a good idea for a business? Get started. Your 2018 resolutions?

Well, get started. You need to improve your prayer devotion & Word content? Need to let a bad habit go? Get started. This is the time to stop procrastinating. 

In Luke 5:1-11, it all looked gloomy for Peter at the onset, but he still toiled all night. Fishing was Peter’s engagement; what do you do for a living? Jesus found him engaged, even if he was failing. He was the right candidate for a glorious turn-around.

Stop postponing needlessly what you need to do now. You have spent too much time deliberating, praying, fasting, sharing about your dreams; now it’s time to act upon it. Stop expecting success to just fall in to your lap. Get started. Get moving and start doing. In this Our Month To Get Started, that which we do, the Lord will turn around for progress & promotion, in Jesus Name. Amen

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