Friday, September 1, 2017

From Our Pastor's Desk - September 2017 - Our Month of Great Possibilities

Welcome to this Our New Month of Great Possibilities, in Jesus name.
Our God is a great God. The One & only true Living God.
He is all-powerful, omnipotent,  and with Him there are no impossibilities. Jesus replied in Luke 18:27, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

He is the covenant-keeping, promise-fulfilling & need-meeting God. Lots of promises may seem too good to be true in the Bible; but believe God, all those promises are Yea & Amen!

The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
Even the word impossible says “I’m possible”. Inside every CAN'T is CAN, inside every IMPOSSIBLE is POSSIBLE.

God told Mary that she was going to have a child without meeting with any man; that was impossible! Think of it. If you were Mary, wouldn’t you have dismissed the word as impossible?

Indeed, this month holds immensely Great Possibilities for change and new directions for us. It does not matter what we have been through these past months or years, God is stepping into our situations this month.

Every word He has spoken to us will bring about great possibilities. God can and will do the impossible in our lives.

So, as you’re ready to believe the impossible, you will receive your miracle & experience the unimaginable, in Jesus Name.

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