Saturday, August 26, 2017

God's Got my Back

By Sis Bethel Adewale 

What does it mean for someone “to have your back”? For someone to have your back it means they are there to support you unconditionally. 

They’re there for you without complaint, supporting you in your time of need. And they’re not for their own selfish, self-gratifying reasons, but because your well being to them is foremost in their mind and heart. 

Who has my back? I would firstly say my parents have my back all the time. 

Secondly, I can always count on my sister to have my back. And thirdly, I would say my closest of friends have my back. My real friends, true friends. 

But who else has my back? God. God will always have my back. He will always be there, by my side. He watches jealously over me. And underneath me are His everlasting arms. I am shielded and encompassed round-about by His presence. 

Same goes for you too, and ALL of us. Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” God will never leave us nor will He forsake us. He has our backs, and He’ll always be there to protect us. Hallelujah.

You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.

Friday, August 18, 2017

He is Our Backer, Not Backup

By Pastor 'Deji Adewale

Hebrews 12:2 – “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”

An author is defined both as "the person who originates or gives existence to anything" and as "one who sets forth written statements" in the Oxford English Dictionary. This definition suggests that authorship determines responsibility for what is created.

Jesus is the Biographer. He writes the prologue, story & epilogue of our faith, IF WE LET HIM. But, unfortunately, what we do is we attempt to do it first.

We attempt to do our things first, without involving Him from the beginning. We go off each day without asking Him to take control of the day. We fix our lives, fix our marriages, and fix that child.

We try to fix that church program, fix that brother or sister, work out, and strategize on how to plan our future. Never asking God for His advice until all is said and done and we are in a  mess up.

Oh, don’t we mess things up! Then we remember Him. The mess is so big the only one who could fix it is Jesus.

The Lord simply wants us to look to Him, not after the mess is too big for us to handle – but in a ll we do we should seek the Lord.

You will have good success this 2017.

Remain blessed. Shalom.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

When God's Got Your Back

By Minister Rowan Samuel

If ever there was a dysfunctional family in the Bible it was that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
In this family was born a young man named Joseph and his brother Benjamin. Abraham lied about his wife Sarah, Isaac followed suit, and Jacob was the kind of guy you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley.

He was tricky from the womb and yet God said of this heel-catcher I love him.

Of Jacob was born the Twelve Tribes of Israel including his son Joseph who was very special to his father because he was from Rachel his special wife who he served 14 years to make her his wife.

Parents who openly favor one child over another are creating a problem. This became a problem for Joseph that his brothers wanted to kill him but God had his back so he was sold into slavery. God was however with him in Every Situation.

You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Attracting God's Backing

By Pastor 'Deji Adewale

Just because some of us are saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit, that doesn’t mean we are exempted from trouble times.

John 16:33 & Psalms 34:19 both imply trouble times for the righteous, but God did not stop there. He gave the assurance that we are alone, helpless & hopeless. He has our backs.

When a person says they has your back; it means they are there to help you out, they will watch out and take care of the things you're likely to miss, that they are a second set of eyes and hands for you.

That you shouldn’t worry about a thing, they’d take care of everything, and they got you covered.

If you’ve ever found yourself in the midst of trouble, problems, unfavorable circumstances, alone, no help, difficult dilemmas, and messed up moments…when hell & havoc comes your way, know this & hold fast to it with all your faith and might, God’s got your back.

But to attract God’s backing, there are some practical steps one will need to take, first and most important of which is to confess Jesus as Lord & Saviour, and give one’s life to unreservedly to Him.
You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.

From Our Pastor's Desk - August 2017 - Our Month of God's Backing

By Pastor 'Deji Adewale

Welcome to this Our New Month of God’s Backing, in Jesus name.

Isaiah 52:12 - “For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rear guard”

Rereward means rear guard, which simply & literally means that God's got your back! Because man was not designed by the Creator with eyes in back of his head, God has covenanted with His people to protect and guard them from behind.

The enemy attacks front & back. We have armors, helmet, breastplate, shield & sword (Ephesians 6:10-18), designed to protect frontal attacks, but for the sneak enemy attacks that come from behind, the onslaught of back-biters, back-stabbers, traitors, slanderers etc, God promises that His presence will cover us in the front & from behind. In other words, nothing about us is left exposed for open access to the enemy.

Isaiah 58:8-”Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, & your righteousness shall go forth before you; the Glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard." This month, our God will go before us & watch us from behind where we can't see the enemy coming.

The Lord mighty in battle will have our backs, all our days, in Jesus Name.