Thursday, March 30, 2017

April, Our Month of Focus On The Family

From Our Pastor's Desk.

Welcome to this our new Month of Focus on the Family, in Jesus name.

God established the family as the most basic unit of the society. He blessed and told the first family to multiply, replenish and subdue the earth - Genesis 1:28.

This was God’s first instruction to man. They were created to form family relationships.

This stated purpose of God in creation indicates that He considers a godly family of utmost priority in the world.

A Household/Family is the primary group or unit consisting of a man and a woman. If God wills, children could be added. Gen. 2:18 – “The LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet”

A Family could also be a group or related things. E.g. The church,, we are a family and we are one through Jesus Christ.  Godliness is from the word eusebeia, which means “the fear or reverence of God”. Thus, a godly family is a family that is well devoted to and well pleasing to the Lord.

This month, as we focus on the Family, God will grant us grace & make our families (and church family) faithful to Him in all respects. Our homes will have great and solid marriages, conducive for raising godly children.

A family that would be a great example for others to imitate and follow, in Jesus Name.


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