Saturday, December 17, 2016

Overwhelmed with Joy

By Minister Rowan Samuel

Isaiah 61:10—”I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness.

I am like a bridegroom in his wed-ding suit or a bride with her jewels” In the beginning God created that which was good news but with-in the  first three chapters we have  murder and mayhem.

However  in Genesis 3:15 we have the  first gospel  which is good  news indeed  for there  God promised to send the seed of the woman who would ultimately crush Satan's head.

Since there was no redemption for the angels who sinned it blows the mind to see or understand just how much God loves Mary.

God fulfilled His word to the wise men and the shepherds who were overwhelmed by Joyous Jubilation and exuberance; indeed the fulfillment should cause all men great joy.

Keep looking up!

You will have good success this 2016.

Remain blessed.


Friday, December 9, 2016

A Mercy

By Bro. Gabriel Bamgbose

Mercy is an attribute of God. It is one way God manifests Himself to us and one dimension He makes Himself known to us.

And in fact it is His divinity and miraculous pact with his creations. When we consider the registers of mercy, we find goodness, love, kindness, grace, generosity, thankfulness, forgiveness, and in fact  salvation and provision.

This means that  to obtain mercy from God is to embody the  fullness of His diverse manifestations. And of course, the nature of  God’s mercy is that it is multitude, infinite and everlasting.

But we should pay  attention to the singularity of “a mercy”. When we obtain a mercy from God, what do we do with it?

The Psalmist proclaims: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” Psalm 103:2. A clear injunction to forget not His mercy!

The forgetfulness of a mercy is a grand obstacle to many of His everlasting mercies we should have received. Our God reigns in the abundance of mercies.

 As we validate a mercy by telling its glorious tale through the words of our testimonies and the continuance of our thanks and praises in the fullness of joy, we receive mercies.

May we experience God in the fullness of His mercies!

You will have good success this 2016.

 Remain blessed.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Joy as a Weapon

By Pastor 'Deji Adewale

JOY is an effective weapon. It can destroy fear, anxiety, discouragement, loneliness,
timidity, and reveal the glory of the Lord!

Though some people use the terms happiness and joy interchangeably, there is a vast difference in their meaning. Both cause a pleasant emotional response, but the former relies entirely upon circumstance.

As soon as difficulty arises and pain intrudes, a person ceases to be happy. On the other hand, joy is a gift from God that enables believers to find hope and peace—even when life seemingly falls apart.

If you are a follower of Jesus but lack gladness, take a moment to remember who Christ
is and who you are in Him. To begin with, you are saved eternally, and your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. The love of almighty God is unconditional, and His indwelling Spirit will
never abandon you. He understands everything that you face and
promises to provide for your needs.

When you stop to consider the amazing blessings that are yours in Christ, gratitude will likely overwhelm you. Sadness concerning circumstances may still endure, but the joy of the Lord will
carry you through even the deepest pain Nehemiah said unto the people in Nehemiah 8:9-10 - “…This day is holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law. Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength”

You will have good success this 2016.
Remain blessed.

Welcome to the Month of December - From Our Pastor's Desk

Our Month of Joyous Jubilation

Welcome to this our new Month of Joyous Jubilation, in Jesus name.

2 words – Joy & Jubilate. Joy is gladness, pleasure, delight; jubilation is celebration, merry-making.

Proverbs 15:15 says “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast” Proverbs 17:22 – “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”

JOY is an effective weapon that destroys fear, anxiety, discouragement, loneliness, & reveals the glory of the Lord. A gift from God that enables believers find hope & peace, even when life seemingly falls apart.

As followers of Jesus, His love & indwelling Spirit will never abandon us. He understands everything we face & promises to provide for our needs. Sadness about circumstances may still endure, but the joy of the Lord will carry us through even the deepest pain.

The Bible calls Jesus the “Man of Sorrows” in Isaiah 53:3. It’s true. He went through horrific suffering and the shedding of His blood in a graphic, violent way. But He wasn’t only a man of sorrows, He had, also, great capacity for joy, gladness, and pleasure. Jesus was God. And God is a God of joy.

Luke 7:34 says, “Then the Son of Man came, enjoying life ...” He enjoyed feasts, dinners, wedding gettogethers etc. If Jesus could experience joyous jubilation, enjoying life, then we can, too. And we will, this month of December, in Jesus Name.
