Friday, January 15, 2021

God Does Great Things

By Pastor Matthew Matel-Okoh

Psalm 48:1 – “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised In the city of our God, In His holy mountain”.
Job 5:9 – “Who does great things, and unsearchable, Marvelous things without number”. 

There are four things spoken in this verse (Job 5:9) of the works of God, which speak aloud:

He does:

 1- Great things, 

2- Unsearchable, 

3- Wonderful, 

4- Innumerable (Without Number). 

For Us: 

1. It’s the attribute of God to do great things. 

2. We can expect great things from God 

3. God deserve great praises because He does great things. 

God is very great, and his greatness is unsearchable. It’s in His nature to do unparalleled, incomparable, unequalled, unrivaled great things because of His infinite greatness. 

So, anyone that has the grace to experience the greatness of God should not need to fret, fear, or faint, but to have faith in God’s greatness to do any and everything. 

Faith, the most important part of our lives, the most important thing that each one of us has. Without it we can have no joy. Without it we cannot pray. 

Without it we can never find peace with God. And without it we will certainly never please God. So brethren, faith up. God is immeasurably great.  

I pray for the grace to trust God more wholeheartedly this New Year so that the declaration of greatness and comfort on every side shall be permanent in our lives and family, in Jesus Name. Amen 

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.  Shalom. 

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