Saturday, January 30, 2021

Be Encouraged

 By Pastor ‘Tayo Adewale 

The greatest of all, our God, is the Father of mercies and the God of all com-fort/encouragement. It is from God’s fountainhead of mercy that all encouragement flows. 

Whenever we find the word “comfort” in the Bible, it most often means, to come along by the side of someone in order to assist, help, and strengthen them. 

That is why in today’s sermon we will use the word ENCOURAGEMENT. To encourage someone is more than to just to praise them. 

To encourage some-one is to put courage in them. Same way God comforts/encourages us, He expects us to also encourage others too.  

The 3 Ps that God uses to encourage us are by His: 
- Promises – 2nd Corinthians 1:20, 
- Presence - Psalm 46:1-2, and 
- People - 2nd Corinthians 1:3-6.

And some of the practical ways you and I can encourage others are by:
- Praying – 2nd Corinthians 1:11, 
- Giving - Prov. 21:26, 
- Speaking - Prov. 16:26, Writing, Text, email etc 

Brethren, the Lord of all comfort, the greatest encourager knows that there is enough in this world to discourage us. 

May the Lord send encouragers along our ways in life. in Jesus Name. Amen 

Be Encouraged! Remain on Top! You will have good success this 2021.  

Remain blessed.   


Friday, January 22, 2021

When God Calls You Great

From Our Pastor's Desk

What does Great mean, Biblically? Good question. Let’s see Jesus’ definition… Matthew 18:1  At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 

Matthew 18:4  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

Matthew 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Good case in point is the story of the Sons of Zebedee in Matthew 20:20-27. 

Most people think that, in order to be great, they must be wealthy or popular or famous. Others think they must have great talent in athletics or business. 

Worldly great is human influence, power, money, authority, having political power; exactly as Jesus said in verse 25  But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 

That’s worldly greatness, in the eyes of the world. But true greatness is different in the eyes of the Lord. You know that you can be great, even if you don't have any of these things. Remember the parable of the rich man & Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. They both died. And we know who became great. 

So, in the Old Testament, God specifically called a certain woman, the Shunemite woman, great! God found her so worthy that He inspired the writer to record the story of this woman and describe her with the uncommon adjective of GREAT! 

2 Kings 4:8  A nd it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem , where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread. May the Lord give us the grace of the Shunemite woman, so our legacy shall be recorded in the Heavens as “GREAT”, in Jesus Name. Amen 

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.  


Friday, January 15, 2021

God Does Great Things

By Pastor Matthew Matel-Okoh

Psalm 48:1 – “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised In the city of our God, In His holy mountain”.
Job 5:9 – “Who does great things, and unsearchable, Marvelous things without number”. 

There are four things spoken in this verse (Job 5:9) of the works of God, which speak aloud:

He does:

 1- Great things, 

2- Unsearchable, 

3- Wonderful, 

4- Innumerable (Without Number). 

For Us: 

1. It’s the attribute of God to do great things. 

2. We can expect great things from God 

3. God deserve great praises because He does great things. 

God is very great, and his greatness is unsearchable. It’s in His nature to do unparalleled, incomparable, unequalled, unrivaled great things because of His infinite greatness. 

So, anyone that has the grace to experience the greatness of God should not need to fret, fear, or faint, but to have faith in God’s greatness to do any and everything. 

Faith, the most important part of our lives, the most important thing that each one of us has. Without it we can have no joy. Without it we cannot pray. 

Without it we can never find peace with God. And without it we will certainly never please God. So brethren, faith up. God is immeasurably great.  

I pray for the grace to trust God more wholeheartedly this New Year so that the declaration of greatness and comfort on every side shall be permanent in our lives and family, in Jesus Name. Amen 

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.  Shalom. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Sustaining Our Greatness and Comfort on Every Side

By Pastor Kunbi Sonaike-Ayodeji

Brethren, we thank God for revelation given to our dear Pastor and declaration that this is our month of Greatness and Comfort on every side. 

I pray that this declaration shall not only be for this month nor this year alone but all the days of our lives in Jesus name. Amen. 

Having greatness and comfort on every side is having lines falling unto us in pleasant places. This is spiritual and physical enlargements that are bestowed on us by God, the owner of our souls. 

They are blessings that no sorrow is added. It’s likened to privileges we enjoyed by being born again. For example being co- heir with Jesus is not by the works of our hands but privilege of redemption when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. 

Sustaining our greatness and comfort on every side would be made easy by jealously keeping our salvation.  Our Lord in John 15: 4-5 wants us to be more fruitful not only in wealth but in particular in our Service to Him.  

He said Abide in Me, and I in you. How do you abide in Him?  By absolute dependence on Him. Sustaining our greatness and comfort on every side should also be anchored on Proverbs 3:5-7, which encouraged us to trust God with all our heart. 

David the Psalmist had absolute trust in the Lord. At every given time with all his greatness, he enquired from the Lord rather than leaning on his wealth of experience in winning wars. 

I pray for the grace to seek and abide with the Lord wholeheartedly this New Year so that the declaration of greatness and comfort on every side shall be permanent in our lives and family, in Jesus Name. Amen 

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.  


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Word of Our Testimony

From Our Pastor's desk 

Revelations 12:11 - "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." 

 In John 9, we read a story of a man born blind from birth, and healed by Jesus. He received his sight on the Sabbath, which was a problem for the Pharisees. 

When they called the formerly blind man to hear his story, he gave a simple yet powerful personal eyewitness testimony. 

"All I know is this: Once I was blind, and now I can see!" You and I are often given the opportunity to use the power of our eyewitness testimony to convince others of God's grace, love and mercy and to encourage our brothers and sisters.  

The text says, "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." Jesus has done His part in perfectly defeating the enemy.  He shed His  blood and rose from the grave.  

Now  we must do ours by telling our  testimony!  Every time you tell it, it  reminds the devil he’s defeated!  Go ahead, don’t be afraid or  ashamed - "tell it!" 

Today’s  Testimony Service is an opportunity that the Holy Spirit has given us to tell our story of His great, amazing and wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. 

ALL TO HIS GLORY. May He fill our mouths with many more testimonies, in Jesus Name. Amen 

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.   


January 2021 - Our Month of Greatness & Comfort on Every Side

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Greatness & Comfort on Every Side, in Jesus name. 

Psalms 71:21 – “Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side” Greatness…then increased greatness, then comfort, not just one-sided, but on every side. This is a blessing-packed Bible verse indeed. 

Dictionaries define greatness with synonyms of large-ness in size, but Biblical greatness is not measured by size or volume of possession. 

Biblical greatness speaks of having a large heart, generous, a heart that is ever willing to give. Greatness makes others great. 

Jesus Himself was a great man not by His material possession but by His material distribution, 

He gave so much, until there was no possession to give, He gave His life. This greatness is not static, it increases. Of Isaac, Gen. 26:13 says “And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great” Isaac increased in greatness. Comfort. A state of calm, peace, consolation, relief and relaxation. 

In times of trouble, loss, grief, pain and distress, we need comfort. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He gives us peace & comfort on every side.  Mercy Seatizens, welcome to January, Our Month of Greatness & Comfort on Every Side. 

This month & beyond, God will bless us on every side. The Lord will increase our greatness, enlarge the place of our tents, & comfort us round-about, in Jesus Name. Amen