Friday, August 30, 2019

September 2019 - Our Month of the Priests of the Lord

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this Our New Month of The Priests of the Lord in Jesus name. Isaiah 61:6 – “But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD…” In the OT, the priests offered sacrifices for the people in a veiled temple, communicating directly with God in the holy of holies.

They then share God's words with the people. In the NT, Jesus gave His life on the cross as atoning Lamb, & tore the veil in two. We no longer need a priest to communicate to God for us in the holy of holies. Jesus, the Lamb of God, became our High Priest.

Accepting Jesus as Lord & Savior makes us part of His priesthood.  God has always wanted a royal priesthood – Rev. 5:10 – “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth”

We are now priests with regards to unbelievers around us. We are intercessors. We are to speak to God directly for the people, & speak to the people for God.

By our words, actions, the way we live our lives, & our service, we are to express God's love for the world In this Our Month of the Priests of the Lord, & beyond, the Lord will use us, as His Kingdom of Priests, so that others may turn to Him, trust Him, accept His offer of salvation and live for eternity, thereby reconciling the world and restoring all of creation back to Him again, in Jesus Name.

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