Friday, March 15, 2019

All Things Work Together

From Our Pastor's Desk

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them  that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" Hold on….Does that Scripture say “all things?” Really?

All Things? Good things? And bad things? And even ugly things? Trials, tribulations, loss of loved ones, jail, separation, calamity, sufferings? But how can that be? How can  any good come from hurts, griefs, pain,  loss, etc? Good question.

That Scripture does not talk  about the process, course, the moment  while going through a “thing” but the result.  It means the final outcome of our situation is  eventually goodness, because God is in  control of the “thing”.

Sometimes we may  not understand or enjoy the process He  takes us through to fulfill His work in our lives. But later we will look back with gratitude and amazement at the process which God took us through to fulfill His plan for our lives. 

God took Joseph through a process. He was hated, by his own blood brothers, sold as a slave, distressed, imprisoned, lied against etc. But God had a great purpose for the life of Joseph to make him a blessing not only during his lifetime but also throughout human history to inspire His people. Brethren, let’s be encouraged when we face the trials of life, as God is pruning us, changing us, molding us, maturing us and developing us. At the end, we will declare like Joseph in Gen. 50:19-20 that “Fear not: for am I in the place of God?

But as for you (the world), ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good...”, in Jesus precious name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019. 

Remain blessed. 


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