Friday, December 14, 2018

What's in Beersheba?

By Pastor 'Tayo Adewale

Gen. 26:23 - “And he went up from thence to Beersheba.” Isaac was able to go up after a lot of troubles, strife, problems, hardship, distractions, from his enemies.
In life you will get lots of problems - John 16:33  If something’s worth it, it won’t be easy. Be ready to endure hardship, ready to face distractions that will try to derail you from getting to your Beersheba.

Be ready to face opposition, because enemies of our souls, does not want us to reach our goals in life. 

But we know and believe that we are more than conquerors - Romans 8:37 Brethren, enjoy where you are now, just like Isaac enjoyed Rehoboth before getting to Beersheba, because whether the enemy likes it or not, you are going higher.

Jehovah will use your enemies to push you to your heavenly destination, in Jesus Name. Gen. 50:20 So, what’s in Beersheba?  Beersheba is full of goodies, it’s a better place, better than Rehoboth, it’s a higher ground, place of comfort, reassurance, intimate relationship with God, where Heavens broke its silence.

It’s a place of honor & respect even from your enemies, abundance of water, a place where needs are met, a place where you’ll find what you have been looking for.

Halleluyah!  I pray Jehovah God that kept Isaac moving without giving up, until he got to Beersheba; the same God will keep us moving, make His grace sufficient unto us, and fulfil His covenant concerning us, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Keep moving, there is Glory Ahead. Remain on Top! 

You will have good success this 2018.

Remain blessed. 


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