Wednesday, December 26, 2018

From Here to There

From Our Pastor's Desk

One year is ending in some hours, another starts. We will soon be crossing over from one year to another. Very soon, there is going to be a handshake between years 2018 and 2019.

The old will hand over to the new, the baton is going to be handed over, status is going to change…there will be a new beginning. 

1st Kings 17:2-4 - Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying,“Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” 

There is a place called “HERE” and another called “THERE.’ Here, we are now, 2018, and we’re going there, 2019. Here or There may not necessarily be a physical place, like a city, a community, a church or an institution, but it could be so. But it’s more a place where destiny easily finds fulfillment and expression. It’s also ‘THERE’ that one’s light can shine and our glory spotted easily.

Psalm 133:3 – “…for there the Lord commanded blessings…” The place called “there” is not a fixed place. It’s a state of mind, a state of being, “There” of success is not in position, status or age but in attitude. Location doesn’t determine our future; attitude does. 

You will get there. The place where the Lord commands His blessings. The place where God's supernatural supply is. The supply is always there. And we will all get “There”, in Jesus Name.

Amen You will have good success this 2018. 

Remain blessed. 


Friday, December 14, 2018

What's in Beersheba?

By Pastor 'Tayo Adewale

Gen. 26:23 - “And he went up from thence to Beersheba.” Isaac was able to go up after a lot of troubles, strife, problems, hardship, distractions, from his enemies.
In life you will get lots of problems - John 16:33  If something’s worth it, it won’t be easy. Be ready to endure hardship, ready to face distractions that will try to derail you from getting to your Beersheba.

Be ready to face opposition, because enemies of our souls, does not want us to reach our goals in life. 

But we know and believe that we are more than conquerors - Romans 8:37 Brethren, enjoy where you are now, just like Isaac enjoyed Rehoboth before getting to Beersheba, because whether the enemy likes it or not, you are going higher.

Jehovah will use your enemies to push you to your heavenly destination, in Jesus Name. Gen. 50:20 So, what’s in Beersheba?  Beersheba is full of goodies, it’s a better place, better than Rehoboth, it’s a higher ground, place of comfort, reassurance, intimate relationship with God, where Heavens broke its silence.

It’s a place of honor & respect even from your enemies, abundance of water, a place where needs are met, a place where you’ll find what you have been looking for.

Halleluyah!  I pray Jehovah God that kept Isaac moving without giving up, until he got to Beersheba; the same God will keep us moving, make His grace sufficient unto us, and fulfil His covenant concerning us, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Keep moving, there is Glory Ahead. Remain on Top! 

You will have good success this 2018.

Remain blessed. 


Friday, December 7, 2018

When God Fulfills His Promises

By Bro. Tosin Ogundare

The name Beersheba first comes up in the Bible in the book of Genesis 21:22-34. There, Abraham said to Abimelech “You are to accept the seven ewe lambs from my hand as my witness that I dug this well.

So that place was called Beersheba, because it was there that the two of them swore an oath.

After they had made the covenant at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army got up and returned to the land of the Philistines”. 

 The oath was important because Abimelech's men had taken the well from Abraham after he had previously dug it so Abraham brought sheep and cattle to Abimelech to get the well back. He set aside seven lambs to swear that it was he that had dug the well and no one else.

God promised Abraham in Genesis 17 & 18 that:
 He will be the father of many nations
 God will give him the land in which he was a foreigner. God will give the whole land of Canaan to his family forever, and He will be their God.
 He and Sarah will have a son. His name will be Isaac and God will make an everlasting promise to him and his descendants.

In Genesis 21:1-4, God then fulfilled His promises –
1. The Lord was good to Sarah and kept His promise.
2 Although Abraham was very old, Sarah had a son exactly at the time God had said.
3 Abraham named his son Isaac
4 and when the boy was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, just as the Lord had commanded.

God is a Promise-keeper. He is able & capable to fulfill His promises that He has made for you, in Jesus Name. Amen

You will have good success this 2018.

Remain blessed. 


Saturday, December 1, 2018

From Story to Glory

From Our Pastor's Desk

2nd Samuel 9:10-13 – “Thou therefore, and thy sons, and thy servants, shall till the land for him, and thou shalt bring in the fruits, that thy master's son may have food to eat: but Mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat bread alway at my table.

Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants...As for Mephibosheth, said the king, he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons…

And all that dwelt in the house of Ziba were servants unto Mephibosheth. So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem: for he did eat continually at the king's table; and was lame on both his feet”.

This is a very wonderful and interesting story from the Bible and it shows that it is not over until it is over.

Welcome to our Month of Beersheba. The good news this month is that the stories of our lives are about to change, because our God is a Destiny-Helper, Promise-Fulfiller, Need-Meeter, Covenant-Keeper, Chain-Breaker, Way-Maker, Burden-Bearer, Prayer-Hearer & Answerer, Yoke-Destroyer etc; we are, therefore, expectant. 

The name, Mephibosheth, means "he who scatters shame” He was also called Meribbaal in 1st Chron. 8:34, which means contender with Baal. But, he was, instead, a carrier and bearer of shame, a victim and casualty of Baal.

What a life contrary to his name he lived, until Mercy and Grace knocked on his door. God can use anybody, when the set time has come. Imagine the life of that crippled boy at Lodebar, without any hope. But God used king David to change all that.

He gave him lands, and servants to work the land, and a place of honor at the king's table.  It does not matter how long you have spent in captivity, the important thing is that Jesus will intervene in your situation.

Your story will turn to glory.  Divine help and intervention is already on the way for you, now. The story of your life will be rewritten for good, in Jesus Name. Amen

You will have good success this 2018.

Remain blessed. 


December 2018 - Our Month of Beersheba

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this Our New Month of Beersheba, in Jesus name. Isaac did not stop at Rehoboth. Genesis 26:23 – “And he went up from thence to Beersheba”  Beer means “well”, and sheba means “oath”. Beersheba, therefore, means the “well of oath”.

This is our month of the well of oath, covenant kept, promise fulfilled, rest, reconciliation & peace. The month that the enemies will come bowing at our feet.

King Abimelech, with an entourage, approached Isaac in Beersheba for mercy & reconciliation. They made two good confessions – “We have certainly seen that the Lord is with you”; “You are now the blessed of the Lord”

Isaac forgave them, made them a feast, and sent them on their way in peace, to complement Proverbs 16:7 that “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” It is the month that speaks of God’s faithfulness to His promises, covenants & oaths.

God renewed & kept His word with regards to Abraham & Isaac, as He will also do for us too, as the year ends, in Jesus Name.  We are encouraged that whatever promises of God there are (“For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” – 2nd Cor. 1:20), we draw from His “well of oath”, until all that God has said and promised shall be fulfilled in our lives, in a wonderful way this month of Beersheba, in Jesus mighty Name.
