Friday, March 31, 2023

The City, the King & the Mighty Men

From Our Pastor’s Desk

Joshua 6:1-2 – “Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in. And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valor.” 

This is the story of the children of Israel after crossing over Jordan. 

Jericho was the first city they had to overtake, capture and spoil, which meant they needed to overtake this in order to overtake the others.  

Jericho was like the gateway to their other promised lands. So God told Joshua and Israel that He had given them the city of Jericho, the king and the mighty men of valor. 

There is a significance for the city, the kings and the mighty men. And these are what we refer to as the scopes of victory for the Israelites and for us.  

The city is just the territory, but you can’t have a territory and be satisfied with-out having those that control the territory.  

The kings, these are the rulers of that territory, sometimes they either have to be removed for your sake or come on your side. 

That is why God said in Proverbs 21:1 that “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will”. 

If He has promised you the city and kings then one way or the other you are going to have the kings under your authority.  The mighty men assist the kings. 

They are the ones acting under the authority of the kings. You’d also need them taken out or their hearts turned to your favor.  

This month and beyond, you will enter your Jericho, your promised land. You will take the city, the king and the mighty men, in Jesus Name 

You will have good success this 2023.  

Remain blessed.  


April 2023 - Month of ITTAI

 From Our Pastor’s Desk

 Welcome to this our new Month of ITTAI, in Jesus name.  

One of David’s closest confidants and allies was a giant Philistine from Gath. 

In fact, during the battle with Absalom, Ittai will hold a command equal to Joab and Abishai, David’s cousins. Philistine like Goliath, and also from Gath, the city where Goliath came from. 

The unsung hero of this month was a native of Gath, a Gittite like Goliath. A giant like Goliath.  Because of that, one would expect him to be a staunch enemy of David, for David killed his kinsman. 

But no, this hero, a stranger, became one of the most faithful friends of David, becoming one of his chief captains during the rebellion of Absalom. And he was exiled and sent away from Gath.  

When David wanted to send this giant away, because he was a stranger, the giant answered the king in 2nd Samuel 15:22, “as the Lord lives, wherever you go, that’s where I go. 

Whether in death or life, there will your servant be”  Mercy Seatizens, welcome to April 2023, “Our Month of Ittai.” 

His was a story of the loyalty, faithfulness and help one can receive of a stranger & exile.   May strangers stand and feed our flocks, and the sons of the alien and foreigner shall be our plowmen and our vinedressers. 

May men bring unto us the forces and spoils of the Gentiles, this month and beyond, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Strengthen Thy Brethren

 From Our Pastor Mrs' Desk

We are set up in His power, might and strength to be a blessing to others, to strengthen our brethren.

Strengthen them, build them up, speak for them, empower them, intercede for them, for the service of the Lord, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, and make straight paths for their feet. 

Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees.” 

We are to help, pray, support others, and to empower others. 

What does Intercessory involve?- 

 Faith with works.

  By living a pure, godly life, you can lift up the fallen.  

 Render a helping hand, give money, food, your talent, time, treasure. 

 Speak a kindly word. 1 Samuel 16:17, Matthew 19:14 

 Pray for others. Matthew 19:14 & 15 

 Cover other’s nakedness. Gen. 9:23 

 Be friendly!  Do good unto others. Show people ways, release information that will benefit others. 

 Look for what is good and pure and true; talk about things that are lovely and of good report (Phil. 4:9).  

 Praise someone.  

 Rejoice and express your pride in someone's success. Let them know how proud you are of them.  Celebrate somebody else’s success. 

 Seek to bring a smile to a sad face. Esther brought smile to the faces of the whole nation. 

If you do these things, you will "strengthen/empower thy brethren," but do you know who will be strengthened and built up more than anyone else? You! 

The Lord strengthen you to strengthen others, in Jesus Name You will have good success this 2023.  Remain blessed.  

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Intercession - A Call to Prayer

 By Deaconess Florence Oyedeji

In Christendom, there are divers types of prayers. Prayers of praise, confession, spiritual warfare, petition and thanksgiving are just a few examples. 

However, intercession or intercessory prayer, I personally feel is the greatest of all types of prayers, because of it’s selfless nature. 

Intercessory prayer is very simple. It’s someone asking God to do something in a person’s life, in the church, or in a certain situation of life. It is coming to God on behalf of someone else. 

It is, as stated earlier, the most selfless, giving sort of prayer. It is ultimately one of the greatest acts of love. 

The importance of intercessory prayer can best be understood as the only ministry we can do today that is the current ministry of Jesus. 

“…"Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us"  (Romans 8:34).  

As End time Army of the Most High, prayer of Intercession is one of our most valuable weapon of war.  The Lord enlist us in His end-time Army, in Jesus Name You will have good success this 2023.  

Remain blessed.   


Friday, March 10, 2023

The Art of War - Part 2

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…a time to keep silence, and a time to speak…” 

Still on the plan set forth by the Lord in Joshua 6. A continuation of last week’s discussion, illustrating the principle that God’s plan of salvation and deliverance is not a plan that man would design.  

On the 7th day, God instructed them to do an accelerated marching, then to make a loud noise. The 7th day, the day of completion.  

The problem with many of us is that we do 6 days of noise-making, shouting, then 1 day of silence. 

When we go into battle, we announce our presence…then the mighty men of the cities take positions, the kings take positions and they start shooting their arrows. But God says, don’t let them have any clue what you are about to do. 

You’re coming from underground; underneath them don’t make noise, confuse your enemy  On the final day, God told them to go round 7 times. 

Then the 7th time, to make a loud, earth-quaking shout. Speaking, at the right time, in an indication of making use of a right moment, right opportunity. There is a time and season for everything on earth. 

A lot of people inexplicably miss their opportunities or appointed seasons, to speak out. Opportunities by nature are only available to us for a limited time before it is moved on for another person.  

May we never miss our time appointed, in Jesus Name You will have good success this 2023.  

Remain blessed.   


The Art of War - Part 1

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Ecclesiates 3:1 – “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…a time to keep silence, and a time to speak…” 

The plan set forth by the Lord in Joshua 6 certainly illustrates the principle that God’s plan of salvation and deliverance is not a plan that man would design. 

If Joshua had met with his military advisors, no one would have come up with this unusual plan. 

Six days of utter silence & 1 day of deafening shout. The ordinary methods and weapons of warfare like battering rams or scaling ladders or towers were not to be used at all. 

A strategy not employed again with other cities, it teaches us that though we have human responsibilities in tearing down the strongholds raised up against the knowledge of God, victory is dependent on two things: God’s power (His presence, Holy Spirit) and faith in His instructions. 

Hebrews 11:30 When God gives instructions, they are de-tailed and specific. God wants His instructions carried out accurately and in details. 

HE gave Israel specific instructions.  Part of the divine instructions is the weapon of silence. I imagined this must be difficult for them. Millions of people marching around a city without a word, not even a whisper! 

There were the priests with their trumpets, those with the ark, the armed men and then the rest of the people. They were to be in utter silence. Even the women & children. For six whole days. 

This strategy illustrates and teaches us the principle of being silent before God and just resting in Him. Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent… ”, in Jesus Name 

You will have good success this 2023. 

Remain blessed.  


March 2023 - Month of Ebedmelech & Epaphras

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Ebedmelech & Epaphras, in Jesus name.  Isaiah 59:16 – “A nd he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor...” 

The word “intercede” means to mediate, to plead, to pray or solicit to one party in favor of another. 

God desires that we are intercessors. Intercession is not to be done by some only. 

When we pray, we shouldn’t just pray for ourselves alone. 

We should intercede for the church, relatives, friends, church members, unbelievers, enemies, the whole world, and all in authority etc. Jesus still wants all to be saved, and He, alone, has the role of the Great Intercessor.  

Ebedmelech (Jeremiah 38:7-9) and Epaphras (Colossians 4:12-13) are two intercessors, one interceding by his deeds and works (coupled with faith) and the other interceding through prayers (coupled with faith). 

In Isaiah 59: 1-21, God stated that there was no intercessor to mediate, to pray, or to plead for favor. He looked for a man but could not find one.  

Welcome, Mercy seatizens, to March 2023, “Our Month of Ebedmelech & Epaphras”. Two unsung heroes of intercession. 

Brethren, some people have been faithful to intercede & pray for us, and continually too. 

As concerning the ministry of intercession and intervention, may we remain relevant in the Lord’s plan, in Jesus Name. 
