Friday, March 25, 2022

The Kingdom Within

By Minister Tosin Agboola 

Many spend time searching for the Divine, a Higher Power, something in the ‘Universe’ that perhaps might give meaning to the complexity and mystery of life. 

We search for the next book, revelation, powerful sermon, special prayers or ministration that will bring us closer to God. 

And especially when it seems like He’s silent and we cannot see or hear Him, it can feel like it’s taking a lot of spiritual effort finding Him and experiencing His presence. 

But what if the quest is a distraction? What if God’s presence is closer than we think? The answer is Yes & Yes, and we know this from the words of Jesus Himself in Luke 17:21. 

There are so many doc-trines in the world today, that in searching for ‘truth’, many have instead gotten lost. In speaking to the woman at the well in Samaria in John 4, Jesus said the time had come when worshipping God would be in spirit & in truth. 

So we can infer that as God himself is spirit, He considers a pure spirit & heart a worthy vessel of abode than even the holiest of physical locations. There is therefore no need for complicated routines or special spiritual qualifications for access. 

No need searching high and low for the next miracle or the next break-through. When we accept Jesus Christ, we become a part of His glory-filled kingdom. His presence, power and peace live within us. 

Access to His kingdom is not about connections to a worldly system. It is about not eating, drinking or living life to the fullest. It is of righteousness, peace & joy in the Holy Spirit. 

These are not external treasures that the world can give, they are within. In purposefully seeking out His kingdom within, we find Him in the stillness of our souls, we connect with His Spirit which bears witness with ours Romans 8:16. 

The result is the welling up within us and continuous outflow of the living waters of Goodness, kindness, gentleness, patience, mercy, joy. 

May it be unto us that each and every one shall be living embassies of His kingdom here on earth in Jesus Name, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022. 

Remain blessed. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

The Kingdom Builder

 By Pastor ‘Tayo Adewale   

God’s Kingdom is the spiritual domain over which God is sovereign. A kingdom implies there’s a king, kingship, sovereignty, authority, and rule. 

And a builder is a person who constructs something by putting parts or materials together over a period of time. 

Therefore, the God’s kingdom builder is a person that builds the domain of God. 

The builder(s) build the kingdom up by living lives that constantly declare “Jesus as Lord” Kingdom of God is within us, that means building the kingdom up we are indirectly building ourselves up. 

Jesus likened His kingdom with the little children, therefore building up the little children implies we are actually building the kingdom of God up. 

Also, the House of God is the kingdom of God, be-cause He rules and reigns in our midst. Therefore, supporting the house of God, being one of His pillars, physically, spiritually and even financially, we are builders. 

Matthew 18:20; Luke 14:28. Building the Kingdom will cost you your time, money, talent, strength, pride etc. Are you ready to pay the cost?  

And always remember there is a reward. He is a builder Himself, He said I will build my church. But He uses us as instruments. 

It’s God Himself that chooses His builders. John 15:16 Today we will see the “8 Ps” needed to consider in building His kingdom here on earth, You should remember that you are a life-giver, destiny-builder and a Kingdom-partaker. 

You have so much to give and so much to learn from others. Build the church of God, be part of what God is doing and fulfill your calling in the Kingdom!  

May the King of kings enable us to build for Him, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022. 

Remain blessed.  

Friday, March 11, 2022

That Which Destroys Kings

From Our Pastor's Desk

As far as heaven is concerned, we are kings & priests, representing God’s kingdom here on earth.

Revelation 1:6  And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 

Revelation 5:10  And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. 

But we need to know that there is our adversary, an enemy that is not happy about the position kingly status, royal priesthood that our heavenly Father has placed us. 

This enemy, the devil, is all out to see that we lose this status, our reign as kings and priests, representatives and ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom. 

The ultimate destroyer is the devil. Satan has devices, crafts & ways to steal, kill & destroy the joy of believers, destroy kings and bring to utter collapse mighty kingdoms. 

John 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 

Knowing this, a wise woman once gave an advice to her son, who was a king. Proverbs 31:3  Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. 

But, unfortunately, the son did not heed the mother’s heartfelt advice. He lost the battle of the flesh, which the enemy used to bring him down and his kingdom. Today the anointing of God is here to enable us to say ‘No’ to the flesh. 

And the anointing of God is here today to give us the greatest victory of all - the victory over your flesh!  May the indestructible King of all kings destroy all our destroyers, in Jesus mighty Name. 

Amen. You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.   


Friday, March 4, 2022

The Giant Hurdle Before the Crown

From Our Pastor's Desk

1st Samuel 17: 10-11 – “And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together. When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid”  

Before any testimony there’s a test. Before any star there’s a scar. Before any promotion there’s an exam. And before any crown there’s a giant, to overcome. 

For David, that giant is Goliath, on his way to the crown. For Jesus, it’s the cross. Everyone faces their Goliath on their way. 

He taunts, He deceives, He attacks and His mission is to defeat one. Whatever Goliath you may be facing, His purpose is to destroy your life. 

As God raises you up, elevates you, and crowns you as “king”, there are going to be challenges. One of those challenges is a Goliath challenge.  

For some, Goliath may not be a physical giant, could be a sickness, disability...anything that threatens to stop us from becoming who God wants us to be.  

For some it’s a habit, or someone/thing at our job stopping us from making progress. We can’t avoid Goliath; he is necessary to our growth as Christians.  

Immediately David was anointed king, he was thrown into a massive life challenge. The anointing on your life will attract significantly great challenge. 

Whenever God calls you & anoints you, He exposes you to a challenge. Are you ready to be crowned? 

The King of all kingdoms will empower & strengthen us to become His representative here on earth, as crowned kings, in Jesus Name, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen. 

You will have good success this 2022.  

Remain blessed.  Shalom.