Friday, April 30, 2021

Grow in Grace

From Our Pastor's Desk

2nd Peter 3:18 – “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen” 

Read a story about a man that was in jail for 15 years. 

Never received a single visitor. After his release, his wife and son met with him, only to tell him never to return to them. 

His 3 daughters, now married, refused to see him, never seen his 4 grand children (wasn’t sure how many).

A society that values “saving face” has no room for those who will seemingly bring them disgrace, so we disgrace them. 

We quickly want to see the other fellow disgraced, put down. We want the other to fall so we can bask in the light of self-justification while the other fellow fell. 

To show we are better Christians, more righteous, holier, smarter… All satan wanted to do was to disgrace Jesus on the cross. All his plan is to put us to shame, put us down, humiliate us. Some just want to see others fall. 

So they can bask…We just want to see others fumble and fall from grace, so that we can point to them and say “I’m not like that brother or sister…, I’m better” just like the Pharisee’s statement in his prayers. 

We just want to say “that’s good for him” As Peninah disgraced, abused, humiliated, provoked, belittled Hannah, some just want to see the “nakedness” of others, so they can laugh like Noah’s son, Ham…rather than cover each other’s nakedness as Shem & Japheth did.  

As the Bible admonishes us to grow in grace & the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, may we be obedient by the help of His Spirit, in Jesus Name. Amen.  

You will have good success this 2021. 

Remain blessed.  


May 2021- Month of Grace & Sufficiency on Every Side

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Grace & Sufficient on Every Side, in Jesus name. 2nd Cor. 9:8 – “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:” 

This is the month & season of grace, ALL grace. Well might we ask, “How much grace is all grace?” God is the God of all grace; and all grace is available for each and every believer, worker, servant, saint. All grace. 

All sufficiency. In ALL things. For ALL good work… There are various descriptions and categories of grace. The Bible talks of several. But our God says He will make all of the available grace abound towards us, for whatever may come our way. 

What are you going through at the moment? In what situation have you found yourself, and the enemy of your soul keeps reminding and accusing you of your past sins? Beloved, be not troubled. Run to the throne of grace this season.  

You will not be weary, you will not faint. Grace to abound is here. Grace to be sufficient in ALL things is yours. As a worker, tap into this grace to abound in EVERY good work. 

Mercy Seatizens, welcome to May 2021, Our Month of Grace & Sufficiency on Every Side. 

In this month and all months, God’s mercy, favor, grace and sufficiency will locate us all and overrule every weakness, weariness & contempt of satan and man in our lives, in Jesus Name. 


Friday, April 23, 2021

Favor on the Wrong Side

 By Minister Rowan Samuel

Psalms 30:5—”For His anger endureth but a moment; in His favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” 

Favor is defined as approval, support or living for someone or thing. An act of kindness beyond what is usual to show preference. 

I would like to thank Pastor and PTA for this time to stand in the holy place. 

 Favor on every side does not mean a lack of adversity sometimes God only permits or allows pain to those who can handle it but be careful satan will come and whisper God does not love you look at what he has allowed to happen to you! 

It is at that moment you must remember how much God loves and favors you.  The favored-elect face adversities. Though we have God’s favor, it is necessary sometimes to cross and leap over the “gigantic” hurdles, for promotion, reward and honor. 

Immediately David was anointed king, he was thrown into a massive life challenge. The anointing on your life will attract significantly great challenge. 

The grace & favor of the Lord will prepare us ready and victorious, in Jesus Name. Amen.  

You will have good success this 2021.  

Remain blessed.  Shalom.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Favored and Their Giants

 The Favored & Their Giants

1st Samuel 17: 10-11 – “And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together. 

When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid”  

Every man/woman faces their Goliath. Even the favored elect face their giant, Goliath. He taunts, He deceives, He attacks and His mission is to defeat us. 

Whatever Goliath you may be facing, His purpose is to destroy your life. As God raises you up and elevates you, there are going to be challenges. 

One of those challenges is a Goliath challenge.  For some of us, Goliath may not be a physical giant, could be a sickness, disability…anything that threatens to stop you from becoming who God wants you to be.  

For some it’s a habit, or a human being at your job stopping you from making progress. We can’t avoid Goliath; he is necessary to our growth as Christians. Your Goliath may be an addiction, habit, attitude, a job layoff, financial problems, marital problems, and illness. 

Goliath for you maybe bitterness, unsettled matter, problem from the past, difficult moral decision, sexual immorality, alcoholism, unforgiveness etc.  The favored-elect face giants. Though we have God’s favor, it is necessary some-times to cross and leap over the “gigantic” hurdles, for promotion, reward and honor. 

Immediately David was anointed king, he was thrown into a massive life challenge. The anointing on your life will attract significantly great challenge. 

Whenever God calls you & anoints you, He exposes you to a challenge. Are you ready? The grace & favor of the Lord will prepare us ready and victorious, in Jesus Name. Amen.  

You will have good success this 2021.  

Remain blessed.  


Friday, April 9, 2021

Divine Favor...Defined

From Our Pastor's Desk

Ruth 2:10 “A t this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She exclaimed, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you no-tice me — a foreigner?” 

Hear what Boaz said: ‘make sure you have large amounts of wheat for that woman and make sure nobody harasses her’. 

Ruth just realized she was having large amounts of wheat to gather and take home to her mother-in-law. 

What can you call that? It is simply favor! This was the favor that Ruth enjoyed while she was a stranger in the land such that when Boaz saw her, something divine and inexplicable happened; the favor of the Lord began to work for Ruth.  

God operates behind the scenes without our notice. This same God planted the love for Ruth in the heart of Boaz and his kindness towards her increased all the more and eventually they got married.  

The truth you must realize is that a natural man is selfish. It takes only God to put either your name or personality in the mind of someone, that you know or you do not know. 

This is beyond human comprehension. Things do not just happen, they are made to happen. Favor is the prerogative of God, so, it cannot be bought with money or fought for, but can be provoked.  

Heavenly Father, cloth us with your favor today; let your favor speak for us, in Jesus Name. Amen.  

You will have good success this 2021.  

Remain blessed.  


Friday, April 2, 2021

Unstoppable God - He is Risen

From Our Pastor's Desk

Matthew 28:6 - " He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."  “THE EMPTY TOMB IS THE PROOF THAT JESUS IS ALIVE” 

Today is Easter Sunday, all over the world. We are celebrating the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. 

The events of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection are two undisputable phenomena that had proved beyond any iota of doubt that Christianity is not just mere religion, but a way of life. Besides, Jesus Christ is life. 

At the tomb of Lazarus, He said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies…’ John 11:25. 

The empty tomb is a testimony to the truth that God took the greatest evil and created the greatest good. So, there is hope for you in any situation you may find yourself. So, rejoice, celebrate, for Jesus has risen. 

May His resurrection power avail for us, in Jesus Name. Amen.  

You will have good success this 2021.  

Remain blessed.  


April 2021- Our Month of Favor on Every Side

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Favor on Every Side, in Jesus name. 

Psalms 5:12–For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield The Psalmist says the righteous will be compassed with favor. 

Compass means to enclose on all sides; to encompass; to encircle, to cover; to surround 360-degrees, an uncommon favor unto us from up, down, across, and diagonal. 

No matter how hard you work, or how fast you run in the race of life, God’s own factor, is needed to make everything a whole. 

All men are born equal until favor separates them into classes. It is divine preference one enjoys above others Jesus had favor with God (up), man (across) and even the earth (down). 

Luke 2:52 – “A nd Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” Even the fig tree, storm, wind and inanimate objects favored Him and listened to Him. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:12 that concerning us – “…the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” 

So, Mercy Seatizens, welcome to April 2021, Our Month of Favor on Every Side. This month, God’s favor will encompass us on every side & speak on our behalf. 

We will enjoy the favor of God, man and the earth, in Jesus Name. 
