Thursday, September 26, 2019

We Are Living Treasures

From Our Pastor's Desk

No matter what our position in life may be, whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, healthy or sick, powerful or powerless; these things are of little account in the currency of heaven.

What matters is that we believe in God. As Christians, we are His and are therefore very special kind of people. Living treasures.

This phrase (peculiar), as well as "holy nation" and "royal priest-hood", as mentioned by Peter in 1st Peter 2:9-10, was in effect calling the church the true people of God. And we are His for the express purpose of showing forth His praises to others, so that they may hear about His Son Jesus Christ, the Savior, believe in Him and be saved.

 That is the measure and purpose of our calling. Never forget it. The true believer is one of the most privileged persons on earth. In the Kingdom we will all appreciate the full extent of this fact, which now we know only in part. 

Altogether, Christians form "a royal priesthood" with regard to unbelievers around us. Just as in Old Testament Israel, so it is in New Testament Church: each individual carries out that priestly calling according to his or her vocation. Not all have the same function, for we do not all have the same calling. 

We are chosen as kings, we are chosen as priests. God needs us, the people need us. We serve the “God of (Wo)man” that helps the “(Wo)man of God”. The Lord bless us as we step into our destined role of royal priesthood, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Wetin You Carry?

From Our Pastors Desk

The secret of success, victory and unusual exploits that the Priests and anointed servants of God enjoy lie in the fact that God’s presence is always with them.

As Royal Priesthood, if we want to overcome great problems, enjoy fulfilled destiny etc, we need the power of His presence.  In Joshua 6:1-16, the battle formation by Joshua, as instructed by God, shows the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark represents God’s presence and power. The most potent of what they had as they moved round the wall of Jericho.  Friends, there is nothing as magnificent or glorious as a child of God carrying the presence of God with them wherever they go. 

When the presence of God envelopes you, people will say yes to you even when they intended to say no. It’s like an aura you carry about with you.  Exodus 33:15 – “And he said unto Him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence” In this Bible scripture, Moses asked God to go with him on his journey.

The presence of God was so important to him. Moses did not ask for signs and wonders or miracles; he asked God to show him His way. God answered by saying that His presence shall go with him. Many of us Christians are completely ignorant of the presence of God.

Having the presence of God with us is worth more than riches or fame or power. We can go anywhere when the presence of God is with us. In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy but out of His presence, there is frustration, multiple demons, discouragement sorrow, fear, sickness, sin, suicide, distress, etc.

As members of the Royal Priesthood, you & I carry His presence, His power and might. Know your worth. This month & beyond, we will experience His presence that brings full joy, strength, peace, blessings, restoration, healing…etc, in Jesus Name.

AMEN. You will have good success this 2019. 

Remain blessed.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

WE ARE P.R.I.E.S.T.S. - The Deception of Man’s Perception

By Bro. Emmanuel Enemchukwu

Deception entails the subversion of our perception. It’s quite fascinating watching a performance by a professional magician.

The resolve that looking closely enough this time around will help you catch the trick gives way to a confused sense of befuddlement and delight.

The magician follows certain actions or words, which tend to be repetitive, with the appearance or disappearance of an object. You still have no explanation for what just happened, but you remain convinced that the magician did not violate the laws of physics.

The goal of a magician is to achieve deception by exploiting the gaps in our cognition. As Christians, it’s important to strive to resist the subversion of our perception. Both in exultation and in tribulation, a fitting perception involves having one’s sight fixed on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrew 12:2). 

Perception requires both understanding and wisdom. A fitting perception is an understanding that God’s love for us is unconditional. Neither prosperity nor sorrow should be taken as a sign of his love. For he has made everything beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

As people striving towards perfection in Christ, we’re constantly in a state of flux; let’s continue aligning and of realigning our spiritual and moral perceptions to match the scripture.  The good news is that Christ has equipped us to cultivate the fitting perception in our spiritual journey.

Paul in Romans 10 encourages us to strive for righteousness.  Righteousness is an active process that involves both faith and work. To be righteous is to be adjudged to be leading a life that is pleasing to God. In his letter to the Corinthians, he also admonishes us to love (1 Corinthians 1:13).

A heart that strives for love and righteousness is a heart that is well prepared for the deceptions of evil. The Lord bless you, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Royal Priesthood

By Min. Omowumi Yusuf

The problem with many believers is that they find it difficult to believe what the scripture says about them. We allow the devil to convince us, telling us that we are not qualified as God says we are, and that we do not have the ability to do what the word says we can do.

God created us in His own image and gave us the ability to reign on earth. The capabilities and qualities required of us to exercise our priesthood were also given to us.

However, many people are not exercising their positions as priests because they do not believe they are priests.

They allow the opinions of others to determine how they live; they do not have minds of their own. People commit suicide on a daily basis because they know so little about themselves; they have no idea who they really are.

As a child of God, you need to know that every word said about you in the Bible is ever dependable and reliable. It doesn’t matter the circumstances surrounding you at any given time, you must always see yourself as God sees you. 

Always see yourself in a positive light. Like David, encourage yourself in the Lord no matter what happens. Every morning when you rise up, know that you are a victor and not a victim; there is much more to you than you can see.

The Israelites saw themselves as grasshoppers before the giants, but in the mind of God the opposite was the case. For has he thinketh in his heart, so is he:” – Prov. 23:7. The perception of who you are is crucial to your  walk with God.

As a royal priesthood, you are an embodiment of beauty, power and royalty. You are an epitome of God’s glory. You are created in the very image and likeness of God. All things created, visible and invisible are under your feet.

Therefore you need to take your place and not allow your life to be ruined by the devil The Lord bless you as you step into your destined role of royal priesthood, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed.
