Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thank God for Living Stones

From Our Pastor's Desk

About seven years ago, we learned this our church building was for sale. When we came to look at the building, we found out that it was offered for sale by another church that had been around for decades. It used to be a thriving congregation.

Their faithful members had given sacrificially to construct this building. They had consecrated it to the Lord and had worshipped there for many years.

Yet now the building was up for sale, they couldn’t maintain it any longer. What happened? How did that church go from thriving to dying? How did it slide from healthy to sick to dead?

I think we know, the builders stopped building.

Little by little, avoidable neglects, divisions, discord, non-chalance. Non-gifts, no-shows etc turned to demise. 1st Peter 2:5 - Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Considering the staggering statistics on church mortality in America, at RCCG Dominion Mercy Seat, we are grateful to God for still standing strong. Some researchers suggest that between 3,500 to 4,500 churches close their doors (or die) each year.

While our congregation has had its share of struggles over the years, we are pleased that we have survived! That means that in the time since our congregation was founded in 2010, over 30,000 churches have died! Nothing on earth is more valuable to God than His church.

And we are commissioned to do everything possible to preserve the unity, protect the fellowship, and promote harmony in our church family and among all believers. 

The Lord continually bless the Mercy Seatizens, the Living Stones, the co-Kingdom Builders with God, in His spiritual House, in Jesus Name. AMEN. 

You will have good success this 2019. 

Remain blessed. 


June 2019 - Our Month of Kingdom Builders

 From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Kingdom Builders in Jesus name. Matthew 6:9-10 – “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”  The heaven is the oldest Kingdom in existence, & all kingdoms desire to extend their influence. God, as the King of the heavenly Kingdom, desired to extend His dominion over earth, which He created, as a colony.

So, God’s plan from the beginning was to colonize earth & fill earth with heaven culture, His nature, & His Glory.  And He wanted to do it through His children. That is why we find in Genesis 1:26 the colonial statement that says “… God said let us make man in our own image & our likeness & let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, birds of the air, cattle of the field & over all the earth …”

God desired that His Kingdom culture, way of thinking, power, rule, activities be extended to the colony Earth. God still seeks & desires those who would stand with Him to build His kingdom here on earth. Isaiah 61: 4 says “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations"  Are we ready to build?

Grace, strength, power & anointing to build, is released on us now, in Jesus Name. AMEN

Friday, May 24, 2019

Let it Go

By Deaconess Ronke Ademosu

As true believers, we are God’s trees and He is our Righteousness. As such, His expectation of us is to produce good fruits.

The Bible talks about the great and mighty trees like the: Fig, Cedar trees of Lebanon, Sycamore, Oak, the Tree of Life of which Adam  and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden. John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruits, for without Me, you can do nothing.”

Christ is our All in All, the absence of which we are non-existent as believers. He is our Savior, Hope and in Him alone, we live right and are justified.  Hallelujah! If we claim to know God who is our righteousness, why are we not manifesting His desires?

Did you say sin? Obviously yes, sin easily comes to mind. Our Pastor preached about why we sin last week, now, let us look inward and check some areas we ignorantly or deliberately overlook and assume not relevant to producing good fruits as God has ordained.

Shall we then allow anything to separate us from the love and promises of God?  Like Apostle Paul, there should be nothing! Therefore, open your heart to God today, LET GO of everything that can debar you from your destiny, enter into your God ordained righteousness and start to  blossom like a tree planted by the river side, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed.


Friday, May 17, 2019

What Makes Us Sin, Sef?

From Our Pastor's Desk

Romans 6:17-18 – “But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness” Let’s talk about the other side of righteousness, which is, of course, unrighteousness, or in other word - SIN. 

We serve a miracle God, not a magician. Magic is trick, requires you to do nothing. But God requires obedience. He cannot bless sin.

If you live in sin, and you’re prospering, it is NOT God. It may be something else, somebody else, but definitely not God. God blesses righteousness, & holiness. Sometimes, we need to be careful of seeing material things as measure of God’s approval. 

Though the Bible tells us “All have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!” (Psalm 14:3). Even though we have a sinful nature, but when we give our lives, bodies, souls & spirit to Jesus, as Lord & Savior, we are no longer under sin. 

So, why do we still sin? What makes us sin? While we look at that today, the good news is that God knows of our struggles with sin. He doesn’t ask for perfection, but a contrite spirit that earnestly seeks after Him.

The wisdom to run to Him after a fall, may He give liberally unto us, in Jesus Name. AMEN. 

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 


Friday, May 10, 2019

The Tree of God

By Sis. Ehis Precious Bamgbose

Psalm 92:12 says, The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  First, I will like to tell you some facts about the cedar tree.

Cedar tree symbolizes resilience, strength, stability, immortality, and elevation. Cedar tree protects the forest and can survive in any challenges. Anything that flourishes does not wither.

A flourishing life is a blessed life. Something that flourishes is alive, healthy, and growing. This means that a cedar tree is a flourishing tree. In Jeremiah 17:7-8, God is using a tree as an illustration of a believer.

He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.  This is an assurance of fruitfulness. As a believer, if you are not productive in the kingdom of God, you need to re-evaluate your life and examine your connection with the rivers of water (which can mean the word of God, Holy spirit or healthy spiritual atmosphere) every tree planted by the river side must bring forth fruit as the Bible has stated. 

Psalm 1:3 also says that the “tree shall bring forth fruit in its season.” This means fruit bearing has its own season. You cannot judge a tree without its season because there is a season for everything that happens in our individual lives.

So, before you complain or lose hope on anything, before you lose the assurance of God’s blessings in your life, remind yourself that every tree has its own season. That you are not seeing fruit does not mean you are not planted by God or you are not planted by the rivers of water.

It only means it is not yet your season. Your season is here, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Standard of Righteousness

From Our Pastor's Desk

Righteousness means “to be examined and found in order”; “to have a right relationship with God”; “to be right, in right-standing with God”. To be holy. Revelation 19:7… “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints” There is a strong call, by the Spirit, to a life of righteousness - practical holiness.

Unless there is a love for righteousness, there will be problems. It seems that when righteousness and holiness are being preached, when people are admonished to flee sinful lives and sinful tendencies, theological swords are drawn; people arm themselves for combat.

I believe that this is a generation that really wants to live righteously. There is now a cry in the land for heaven’s standards. No longer should the standard of the God of heaven be lowered so people can play the game by their own low and compromised standard.

God is the standard of righteousness. He is Jehovah Tsidkenu. Righteousness is part of the character/nature of God… and I pray that, in His mercy, He will impart this characteristic into us afresh, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 


May 2019 - Our Month of Trees of Righteousness

From Our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this our new Month of Trees of Righteousness in Jesus name. First, the Bible refers to us believers as “Trees”.

Psalm 1:3 – “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water…” And righteousness is defined as without guilt or sin. Means right standing with God. As trees of righteousness, we have right standing with God, not because of what we did, but because of what Jesus did for us in God's great plan of redemption.

2nd Cor. 5:21 - “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” Noah overcame the world. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The world that he lived in was filled with violence, sin, demonic activity, immorality etc “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation, and Noah walked with God”

He was declared righteous by God. He walked with God. Righteousness saved him, covered him, and protected him.  In this Our Month of the Trees of Righteousness, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus will save us all too. James 5:16 teaches… “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  Our prayers this month will be effective, powerful, and will rain down blessings, in Jesus Name.