Friday, February 22, 2019

Beauty in Brokenness

By: Deaconess Oluchi Mfon

BROKENNESS can mean a lot of things to so many people. Brokenness, in His eyes, is to be broken, crushed, and torn in spirit over sin. In the life of David we see beauty of Brokenness Psalm 51. A diamond is just a stone until it’s broken for the sparkle to be revealed.

Gold is very dirty until it goes through the fire then the shine is revealed. Olives are crushed to extract oil.  Beauty in Brokenness is revealing who we are for a greater  purpose.

Brokenness helps us to see less of  us and more of God. It looks out for the mind  of God over any issue and helps us to prefer  and see others through the eyes of God’s  love. Brokenness is a process we go through and it can take some time, where God exposes our fleshly attempts to have core needs of love, acceptance, worth and security met in our own strength and it shows how it is truly impossible to live the Christian life we want to live.

Brokenness is necessarily painful because ever since Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden all human being ever born have an inbuilt desire to rebel against God and try to meet our needs in our own ways. God can take what has been broken and remake it into something better or beautiful, something He can use for His glory.

Only when we surrender our struggle to Jesus Christ can we be restored and transformed in the image of His beauty. Such surrender requires a brokenness on our part, denying ourselves those things of the flesh or habit that hinders our growth in Christ (Luke 9:23) God delights in making beauty out of our brokenness if we let Him.

He restores the beautiful vessel He can use for His glory. Because of His son Jesus Christ, He will give us beauty in our Brokenness, in Jesus Name. Amen. Humility is beautiful.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ashes of Arrogance

From Our Pastor's Desk

Proverbs 8:13 –“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate” One of the most potent killers of anointing and grace is pride/arrogance. It is a common trait from the vessels of wood (2nd Tim. 2:20); wood that needs to be burnt into “ashes” so that the beauty of humility can arise.

God extremely (exceedingly) hates pride. 1st Peter 5:5-6 – “Likewise, ye younger, submit  yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be  subject one to another, and be clothed with  humility: for God resisteth the proud,  and giveth grace to the humble.

Humble  yourselves therefore under the mighty hand  of God, that he may exalt you in due time” Pride means trust  and reliance in self; self-admiration and aggrandizement. Arrogance/pride is the best warning sign that someone is a potential source of erroneous doctrine.

People who trust their own opinions on all matters are destined for error.  Pride/arrogance was the original sin. You see, satan was really impressed with his beauty & gift. He just loves to hug himself.

And this sin of pride has spilled into man. We are all born with and into pride and need to pray against and be careful about this spirit.  For our God “…giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble”- James 4:6

May the Lord grant us wisdom to walk more in humility & grace of God, in Jesus Name. Amen. Humility is beautiful. You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Count Your Blessings

By: Bro Smart Olasehinde

Count your blessings has different meaning to many people. To some it’s a reminder, to some it’s a call to duty and to others it’s an act of worship. 

Regardless of which of these three categories you subscribe to, bottom line is we need to be thankful no matter what situation we find ourselves. 

How many of us needs to be reminded to go to work or school? So why do we need to be reminded to appreciate God for all His wondrous deeds in our lives.

If we subscribe to the definition that counting our blessings is an act of worship definitely we  won’t need to be reminded. Counting your  blessings is a double edged sword. It  makes you to see the good in every  situation and rather than being bitter or angry or worse be depressed you become thankful.

It  also makes you an avenue for additional blessings. Our God inhabits the praise of His people therefore by thanking Him we are only positioning ourselves for more of His blessings  In 1st Thessalonians 5:8, we read “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”  In this verse we are admonished to give thanks in all things. 

I must tell you brethren that unless you are someone that counts your blessings and name them one by one you just might not be able to thank God when all is not well or when tragedy strikes (God for-bid).

In conclusion always count your blessings and give thanks. God bless you in Jesus Name. Amen.

You will have good success this 2019.

Remain blessed. 
