Friday, January 26, 2018

Peter's Failure Turned...

From Our Pastor's Desk

Obeying God (in small matters) is an essential step in receiving God’s greatest blessings. Complete obedience to the instructions of the Lord brings a glorious turn-around. Partial obedience is actually complete disobedience.

Our obedience to God is not optional and must be absolute, complete. Peter obeyed Jesus in Luke 5: 5  And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net” Suppose Peter had said, “Look, I’m busy cleaning my nets right now.

I can’t help you because I’m going to fish again tonight.” Or he could have said, “Why don’t you ask to use that other boat, over there?” Or, “I’ve already been fishing today; it would be a waste of time to go again.” If Peter had said anything other than YES, he would have missed the greatest fishing experience  and a turn-around from utter failure to net-breaking success, of his life. To turn failures into success, we must obey whatever Jesus tells us to do.

Cooperate with his instructions even when it doesn’t make sense. Peter said “But because you say so Lord…” 1st Samuel 15:22 – “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” Just obey Him….

You will have good success this 2018. 

Remain blessed. 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Ugliness Turn at the Beautiful Gate

From Our Pastor's Desk

The tide of shame & ugliness turned for the lame man at the Beautiful Gate We read his story in Acts 3:1-10. Daily it was a routine to drop him off at the Beautiful Gate  in Jerusalem.
Day after day, it was the same  routine; begging because he had no choice  and not fulfilling his destiny. 
This man was  in the temple of God, the most important place  in Jerusalem and he never participated nor  enjoyed the blessings that came out of the  temple.

He was only a spectator of the blessings happening in other people's lives. He  was a spectator in the affairs of life.  People  in the temple heard messages, all he heard was  noise.

Others  were blessed  but he received  abuses, insults,  shame & dusts. He was an ugly sight at the Beautiful Gate. But, begging was not the final outcome for this lame man at the beautiful gate.

Beloved, whatever the current situation, shame and reproach, disgrace and despair are not your final outcome, nor your expected end. Every ugliness is turning around to beauty for you, in Jesus Name. Jeremiah 29:11, the Lord says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end"

You will have good success this 2018. 

Remain blessed. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hang on, Your Supernatural Turnaround is Coming...

By Sis Seun Afolabi

Genesis 39:21 says “But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” The story of Joseph in the Bible is an amazing story of a man of patience, integrity and character.

So many of us have read his story so many times and still marvel at how God brought justice and blessing to him, despite being treated unfairly.

Joseph’s life was filled with what seemed to be setbacks on the surface, but in fact were the very situations that matured him, tested him, and ultimately set him up for God’s plan to be manifested through him. Hallelujah!

In one of these major set-backs, we saw the true and noble character that was the core of who Joseph was. After being wrongfully charged for an offense he did not commit, Joseph found himself in prison.

But in just one day...after a series of events, Joseph was released from prison and put into a place of high authority and it brought glory to God instead of him-self.

Looking at Joseph more closely and analyzing his actions (and lack of action in certain circumstances) we can see a shining example of one of God’s loyal servants whom God saw worthy of being promoted to the high calling he had.

When we have times in our lives where we are being treated unfairly or things seem to be continually against us, we can look to Joseph as a great example of how to keep our eyes on God and continue to live in integrity and have confidence that God will come through for us and give each and everyone of us a Glorious Turnaround, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

You will have good success this 2018. 

Remain blessed. Shalom.

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 2018 - Our Month of Glorious Turn-Around

From our Pastor's Desk

Welcome to this Our New Month of Glorious Turn-Around, in Jesus name.
Psalms 126:1-2 – “When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them” 

There is a divine timing for our turn-around. There is a time appointed for our release. The case for our total emancipation from captivity is not subject to probability. It is certain. It is a matter of time and the time is now.

No matter how long we may have wept, we will cease to weep from now on. Sarah wept for countless years. Joseph’s dream was hanging for a long time. Israel was in bondage for 430 years. David was denied the throne for some time. Hannah was provoked sore by Peninah for long years.

Job waited & waited for his deliverance. But one thing happened to them all. Their captivity was turned around. Their sorrow translated into joy. Their struggle became breakthrough and their night blossomed into day. I prophesy a turn-around for us this year 2018, in Jesus’ Name. This year is the season of our celebration. 

The Lord has brought us out of captivity. He has delivered us from incarceration, and turned our situations around for good. To the extent that our time of laughter and new songs has come NOW! This is our Month of Glorious Turn-Around, indeed, in Jesus Name.
