Friday, April 28, 2017

Part 4 - Money, Sex & Power - The Good and Bad

By: Pastor 'Deji Adewale

Genesis 2:24-25 – “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”

Issues around money and/or sex account for the majority of marital problems in the world today.

Unfortunately, this fact is also true in the church. A lot of the problems stem from difference in attitude towards money, difference in financial habits and orientation, lack of trust in the area of finances, lack of control over the appetite & urges for sex, and most importantly, lack of using God’s wisdom.

As true Christian believers, we must handle money and sex the way God says we should. Most of the problems we have are direct results of neglecting God’s ways and instructions.

The Bible has an answer to every issue in marriage and we must recognize that His com-mandments are for our own good. The gift of sex is one of the wonderful gifts God has given to humanity when properly utilized according to Biblical injunctions.

Sex, by God’s standard is only expected during the confines of marital relationship. Outside of this, sex becomes sin to God and thereby not a blessing.

God created sex as a powerful force to bring a husband and wife together and to keep them together.

The grace to work & build together, according to God’s word and commandments, will fall upon us all, as we pursue our marital destinies, in Jesus Name.

You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Part 3 - Can You Hear me Now?...Good!

By: Pastor 'Deji Adewale.

Every bad relationship/marriage has its root cause in lack of/or poor communication. Communication in marital relationship is a continuous process, which must be clear and appropriately understood by both parties.

Communication breakdown is the first sign of marital disaster. Among the complaints we hear are “She just doesn’t understand me” or “He never listens to me”… Good/healthy communication is an art that must be learned, a skill to be mastered. It does not happen automatically, even in marriage.

Many couples talk “at” each other but don’t talk “to” each other. Just because they are talking doesn’t mean they are communicating well. Some couples only talk by arguing, make critical statements or negative comments.

An environment conducive to great communication (like growing a nice garden) must be built and nurtured deliberately and with great care, openness, trust & grace…for talking about the good things and easier to talk about tougher issues when they arise.

It is impossible to have any kind of healthy relationship without good communication, whether with our spouses, fiancées, other people or our relationship with God.

My prayer is that, in all our relationships, the grace to be more attentive, to listen more and value what others are saying, will be abundantly ours, in Jesus Name.

You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Part 2 - Morning After the Wedding Day

By Pastor 'Deji Adewale

Marriage is a life-long, solemn covenant between a man and a woman. This bond lasts till death do them part.

On the other hand, wedding is the solemnization of the love between a man and a woman before God and the people. It marks the beginning of marriage.

We talk of married life and wedding day. Marriage begins with wedding and ends at death. Wedding begins at the church or any other designated place and ends there.

When wedding ends, marriage starts. It is during wedding that the man and the woman exchange their marital consent and they promise to be faithful to each other till death.

The wedding transforms the man and the woman into husband and wife. Before the wedding, they were two mathematically. After the wedding, they become one spiritually.

That is why the Bible says, "“They are no longer two, therefore, but one"“ - Mark 10:8.  So, the morning after the wedding day, as the couple wakes up, the reality of the actual marriage journey really begins.

All invited guests, parents, best man, chief bridesmaid, groomsmen, bridal train, musicians, minister…all are gone. And they are on their own. So, my Couples & Intending Couples, let people say, “their wedding was a disaster”. BUT, let NO ONE say, “their marriage was a disaster”. NO one will have any reason to say so about your marriage, in Jesus Name.

You will have good success this 2017.

Remain blessed.
